Terms and Conditions of Deutsche Telekom services
Please print and keep a copy of the terms and conditions for Deutsche Telekom services. Please remember that all terms and conditions can change from time to time. Please visit back regularly and print the newest version of the terms. Any changes to terms are always posted here, and are considered accepted if not objected to in written signed form four weeks after the release.
Deutsche Telekom AG
53171 Bonn
Service-Hotline für Private Customers: 0800 33 01000.
Telefonische Störungsannahme: 0800 10 73 010
(Kostenlos aus dem deutschen Festnetz)
Fax: 018 10 70 011
(14 Cent/Min. aus dem deutschen Festnetz)
Terms and Conditions of Vodafone services
Please print and keep a copy of the terms and conditions for Vodafone services. Please remember that all terms and conditions can change from time to time. Please visit back regularly and print the newest version of the terms. Any changes to terms are always posted here, and are considered accepted if not objected to in written signed form four weeks after the release.
Vodafone D2 GmbH
Am Seestern 1
D-40547 Düsseldorf
Telefon: 0800/1721212 oder 1212 (aus dem deutschen Vodafone-Netz)
E-Mail: kontakt@vodafone.com
Terms and Conditions of T-Mobile services
Please print and keep a copy of the terms and conditions for T-Mobile services. Please remember that all terms and conditions can change from time to time. Please visit back regularly and print the newest version of the terms. Any changes to terms are always posted here, and are considered accepted if not objected to in written signed form four weeks after the release.
T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH
Landgrabenweg 151, D-53227 Bonn
Postfach 30 04 63, D-53184 Bonn
Kontakt für Privatkunden
per E-Mail kundenservice@t-mobile.de
per Telefon 0180 3 302202 (Festnetz 0,09 €/Min. (inkl. USt); Mobilfunk abweichend)
Kontakt für Geschäftskunden
per E-Mail servicecenter.gk@t-mobile.de
per Telefon 0180 3 302828 (Festnetz 0,09 €/Min. (inkl. USt); Mobilfunk abweichend)
per Fax 0180 5 212211 (Festnetz 0,14 €/Min. (inkl. USt); Mobilfunk abweichend)
Terms and Conditions of O2 services
Please print and keep a copy of the terms and conditions for O2 Mobile/DSL services. Please remember that all terms and conditions can change from time to time. Please visit back regularly and print the newest version of the terms. Any changes to terms are always posted here, and are considered accepted if not objected to in written signed form four weeks after the release.
Telefónica O 2 Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
Georg Brauchle Ring 23-25
D-80992 München
Tel: 01805 - 62 43 57 - 0,14 €/Min. aus dem Netz der T-Com, für Anrufe aus Mobilfunknetzen können abweichende Preise gelten.
Fax: 01805 - 57 17 66
- 0,14 €/Min. aus dem Netz der T-Com, für Anrufe aus Mobilfunknetzen können abweichende Preise gelten.
Terms and Conditions of 1und1services
Please print and keep a copy of the terms and conditions for 1und1 services. Please remember that all terms and conditions can change from time to time. Please visit back regularly and print the newest version of the terms. Any changes to terms are always posted here, and are considered accepted if not objected to in written signed form four weeks after the release.
1&1 Internet AG
Elgendorfer Str. 57
56410 Montabaur
Hotline Numbers dependent on service type